New Zealand dollar exchange rate

Here you can watch how the New Zealand dollar fluctuates in the market and when the New Zealand dollar exchange rate is the best.


Since New Zealand was part of the British Empire, the New Zealand pound has been circulating in Zealand since 1933.

When it was decided to abandon the pound, it was considered what to call the future currency. It was proposed to be called “Kiwi”, “Zeal” or “Doleris”. The dollar option was the least likely, as the authorities did not want the national currency to be mixed with the US dollar, but it was still decided to officially call New Zealand’s currency the dollar.

In 1967 on July 10, the New Zealand dollar was introduced, which was changed to one pound equal to two dollars.

There are currently 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 NZD notes in circulation.

Naujosios zelandijos doleris. Zelandijos valiuta NZD

Coins: denominations of 5, 10, 20 and 50 cents and 1 and 2 dollars.

Zelandijos dolerio kursas. Naujosios zelandijos monetos

New Zealand’s currency is sometimes called the kiwi. For the kiwi is the national bird of New Zealand, depicted on the 20 cent and 1 dollar coins.

The New Zealand dollar is among the ten most used currencies in global trade.

The King of New Zealand is Charles III of England.

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