About us
About currency exchange operator Valiuta24.lt

Currency exchanges in Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipėda

Exchange of many foreign currencies

Exchange of defective, withdrawn from circulation currencies
Valiuta24.lt is a currency exchange. We exchange currencies of many foreign countries at a very favorable rate!
We accept currency orders and reservations. We exchange not only popular banknotes in circulation, but also those that are not exchanged by other exchanges or banks. Valiuta24.lt operates in accordance with the currency exchange operator’s license issued by the Bank of Lithuania. Valiuta24.lt is a great solution for exchanging your currency in Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipėda!
Other currencies
If you have other banknotes not listed on the website, please send an email to by mail: info@valiuta24.lt the exact amount and the name of the currency you want to exchange, and in the reply to your letter you will receive a free evaluation by our team. If you are unable to identify the currencies you have, attach photos of the banknotes to the letter you are sending.
Our company operates based on the principles of responsibility, competence, flexibility, professionalism and modernity. These values are at the heart of what we do and are reflected in all aspects of our business.
Mission, vision, goals
Offer the best exchange rate to customers. The desire to maximally fulfill the expectations of customers. To constantly develop professionalism and become the most reliable service provider for our clients.
Why choose us?
We will always offer a more favorable exchange rate for larger amounts! Our team consists of energetic, professional specialists in their field, who have accumulated extensive experience in the fields of the currency market and economy. We will always advise and find the best solution for you!