Russian ruble exchange rate
Here you can see how the exchange rate of the Russian ruble fluctuates in the market and when the best exchange rate of the Russian ruble is. The ruble is the second oldest national currency after the pound sterling and the first currency to adopt a decimal currency system. The ruble began to be used as early as the 13th century in the territories that belonged to Russia. The new rubles were put into use in December 1991, but the Soviet Union ruble, which was withdrawn from circulation in September 1993, also circulated in parallel. Coins of the Soviet Union (1, 2, and 3 kopeks of denomination), which were minted in the period 1961 – 1991, circulated until December 31, 1998.Don’t forget to have your passport, insurance, tickets and cash with you when you travel. You can follow Russian ruble rate online at: